Orientations d’acculturation et adaptation psychosociale des adolescents issus de l’immigration
Acculturation orientations and psychosocial adaptation among adolescents with immigrant background
Auteur, co-auteurs
Type de référence
2015Langue de la référence
FrançaisEntité(s) de recherche
UER Développement de l'enfant à l'adulte, HEP Vaud, Lausanne
Deux cent vingt-huit adolescents issus de l’immigration ont rempli des questionnaires mesurant les orientations d’acculturation, les comportements antisociaux, la symptomatologie dépressive et l’estime de soi. Une analyse classificatoire hiérarchique a dégagé quatre groupes : intégré (biculturel), séparé, marginalisé et assimilé-individualiste. Les groupes marginalisé et séparé se caractérisaient par un niveau plus élevé de comportements antisociaux. Les niveaux de symptomatologie dépressive et d’estime de soi ne différenciaient pas les quatre groupes.
Résumé traduit en anglais
Objective. — The aim of the study was to explore the typology of adolescents with immigrant background based on the orientations of acculturation and to estimate the psychosocial adap- tation of the various subtypes. Method. — A sample of 228 French high school students with an immigrant background com- pleted a questionnaire assessing acculturation orientations (Immigrant Acculturation Scale; Barrette et al., 2004), antisocial behaviors, depressive symptoms and self-esteem. Cluster analysis based on acculturation orientations was performed using the k-means method. Results. — Cluster analysis produced four distinct acculturation profiles: bicultural (31%), sepa- rated (28%), marginalized (21%), and assimilated-individualistic (20%). Adolescents in the separated and marginalized clusters, both characterized by rejection of the host culture, repor- ted higher levels of antisocial behavior. Depressive symptoms and self-esteem did not differ between clusters. Discussion.—Several hypotheses may explain the association between separation and delin- quency. First, separation and rejection of the host culture may lead to rebellious behavior such as delinquency. Conversely, delinquent behavior may provoke rejection or discrimina- tion by peers or school, or legal sanctions that induce a reciprocal process of rejection of the host culture and separation. The relationship between separation and antisocial behavior may be bidirectional, each one reinforcing the other, resulting in a negative spiral. This study confirms the interest of the study of the orientations of acculturation in the understanding of the antisocial behavior of adolescents with immigrant background.Titre du périodique
Encéphale (L')Maison d’édition
Elsevier MassonPays d'édition
0013-7006Evaluation par les pairs (peer reviewing)
ouiPortée nationale / internationale
internationaleVolume / tome
309-313URL permanente ORFEE
http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12162/541Autre(s) URL(s) permanente(s)
http://doi.org/10.1016/j.encep.2014.10.020- Tout ORFEE
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