Burnout scolaire et soutien social: l’importance du soutien des parents et des enseignants.

Type de référence
2015Langue de la référence
FrançaisEntité(s) de recherche
L’objectif de cette étude est d’explorer les associations entre le soutien social fourni par différentes sources et le burnout scolaire, récemment décrit comme un syndrome d’épuisement, de cynisme et d’inadéquation envers l’école. Un questionnaire sur le burnout scolaire et le soutien social a été rempli par 441adolescents de Suisse francophone. Les résultats des analyses préliminaires soulignent les qualités psychométriques de la version franc ̧aise du Child and Adolescents Social Support Scale. Les résultats des analyses principales montrent que les parents, les enseignants et l’école sont des sources dont le soutien est négativement associé au burnout scolaire. Enfin, seul le soutien des parents est un prédicteur unique et négatif du niveau de burnout scolaire. L’implication des résultats est discutée en termes de recherche et de prévention.
Résumé traduit en anglais
Several authors emphasized the importance of considering social support within a dimensional perspective and have shown the protective role of different sources of support against school adap- tation difficulties in adolescence. The aim of this study is to identify sources of support associated with school burnout, which was recently described, as a syndrome of exhaustion due to school demands, cynical and detached attitudes toward school and fee- lings of inadequacy as a student. A total of 441 adolescents were recruited in two mainstream middle schools from the French part of Switzerland. They were asked to answer a questionnaire including a French version of the Child and Adolescent Social Support Scale (CASSS-f) and a previously validated French version of the School Burnout Inventory. Preliminary analyses were conducted to test the psychometric properties of the CASSS-f. Results of confirmatory fac- tor analysis showed that the CASSS-f has the same structure than its original version and thus, allows estimating social support from several sources (i.e. parent, teacher, classmates, close friend and school). Moreover, most of the CASSS-f subscales showed satisfac- tory internal consistency coefficients. Main analyses consisted of correlational and regression analysis. Results showed that parent support, teacher support and school support are negatively associa- ted to school burnout, with weak to moderate correlations. Results also showed that parent support is a negative predictor of school burnout after controlling for background variables. These results are discussed along with the implications for future research and for prevention of school burnout.Titre du périodique
Psychologie françaiseMaison d’édition
ElsevierPays d'édition
0033-2984Volume / tome
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http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12162/2193Document(s) associé(s) à la référence
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