An introduction to twg 28: Collaborative settings in mathematics teacher education

Auteur, co-auteurs
Editeur(s) scientifique(s)
Drijvers, PaulCsapodi, C.
Palmér, H.
Gosztonyi, K.
Kónya, E.
Type de référence
2023Langue de la référence
TWG28 brought together researchers in collaborative settings in mathematics teacher education. In many instances the settings involved learning or lesson studies. However, there was much diversity in the studies in terms of types of collaborations and who they involved, research methods and the analytical framing of the studies that informed contributions and discussions. We report here an overview of our work and in doing so highlight this diversity and richness across the corpus of contributions to the TWG. Our discussions were wide-ranging and explored the full complexity of researching teaching and learning that is close to professional practice. Here we give the briefest of insights into the depth and breadth of the contributions that fuelled our work, and which have provided much for participants to consider as they take their research forward.Titre de l’ouvrage principal
Proceedings of the Thirteenth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME13)Maison d’édition
ERMEVille d’édition
BudapestPays d'édition
HungaryEvaluation par les pairs (peer reviewing)
ouiPortée nationale / internationale
internationalePublic(s) cible(s)
Chercheursprofessionels du domaine
Nom de la manifestation
Thirteenth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME13)Date(s) de la manifestation
2023Ville de la manifestation
BudapestPays de la manifestation
HungaryPortée de la manifestation
internationaleURL permanente ORFEE URL(s) permanente(s) publication existe uniquement sous forme électronique
ouiDocument(s) associé(s) à la référence
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