From neriage to whole class discussion, a perspective from lesson studies around the world
Auteur, co-auteurs
Type de référence
2023Langue de la référence
Managing the sharing of solutions, procedures, representations and ideas among pupils after solving a mathematical problem presents challenges at the collective construction of knowledge and organisational levels. This critical moment, known as "whole class discussion" in English, "mise en commun" in French, "discussões coletivas" in Portuguese, and "neriage" in Japanese, plays diverse roles in different mathematics classroom cultures. Within the context of lesson study, this moment sometimes serves as the focal point for the lesson study research question. Our symposium aims to describe and analyse the experiences of lesson study groups in Portugal, Switzerland, and Singapore. By comparing their approaches to "whole class discussion" with the Japanese "neriage," we seek to gain a deeper understanding of the challenges inherent in this moment and its potential to enhance students' learning outcomes.Public(s) cible(s)
Chercheursprofessionels du domaine
Nom de la manifestation
WALS International Conference 2023Date(s) de la manifestation
2023, 27-29 NovemberVille de la manifestation
ZwollePays de la manifestation
NetherlandsPortée de la manifestation
internationaleURL permanente ORFEE Tout ORFEE
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