This contribution focuses of a lesson study about the use of a free online tool for music visualization for pupils from 11 to 18. The tool offers the possibility to create video animations on existing music, incite them to listen repeatedly to unfamiliar music and use technologies in a collaborative activity. The conception of this lesson study had been underpinned by research on interdisciplinary approaches in music education and use of new technologies in a collaborative creative process.
Different ways of introducing the tool in different classroom have been tested by teacher-researchers from the fields of music and education. Theoretical framework from dialogue theory, intersemiotic translation and socio-cultural psychology had been used to analyse the data. Variations within the same lesson helped to identify some levers or obstacles to the pupils' learning (Marton, 2015). Findings suggest the important role of the teacher’s action to guide the classroom dialogue.
Portée nationale / internationale
Nom de la manifestation
WALS conference 2020 Elevating student equity through effective research-based Lesson study
Date(s) de la manifestation
3 et 4 décembre 2020
Ville de la manifestation
San Francisco (en ligne)
Pays de la manifestation
Etats Unis
Portée de la manifestation