Music listening is a central activity for music learning. Research shows that listening skills can be developed by focused pedagogical activity (Afsin, 2009). Progression is based on music learning considered as an active generation of significations (Gruhn, 2008; Spychiger, 2001).Listening to some XXth century music at school is a challenging project because of pupil’s acculturation to tonal music.
Our study aims to explore how to combine music and visual arts in order to listen to music not containing strong tonal and metric references. We focus on the generation of signification : How the teacher can foster progressive listening by using visual arts as a support for music learning ?
Visual arts can support music listening on several levels and by different procedures (Steincke, 2007 ; Krämer, 2011). We refer to the concept of aesthetical transformation (Brandstaetter, 2013) as a methodical tool.
Methodology : In a first step, we develop an interdisciplinary theoretical background based on a taxonomy of music listening (Afsin, 2009). In a second step, a composition of Iris Szeghy inspired by a picture of Paul Klee will be analyzed by using this background. Findings will by confronted with classroom reality through a teaching sequence (2 classes of 15 years old pupils, case study). Data analysis is based on a semio-pragmatic model (Rickenmann, 2001) focused on the generation of signification during the teaching-learning process.
Findings : The main challenge for the teacher is the difficulty to handle with the different semiotic references made by the pupils and by himself. Intuitive, imaginative and mutual listening have been fostered. The link between pupil’s productions and analytic listening has to be reconsidered. Further research is necessary to gain a better understanding of the transfer processes between music and visual arts as a tool for music learning.
Nom de la manifestation
23rd EAS Conference / 5th ISME Regional Conference
Date(s) de la manifestation
25 -28 March 2015
Ville de la manifestation
Pays de la manifestation
Portée de la manifestation
Participation sur invitation