Western societies have been performing such a policy that has strongly cut the structures of the wellbeing of the people to create the society: Human civilizationneeds the power of education, which is supported by a strong cultural integration, and especially via the human arts from the perspective of Tacit Knowledge(Polanyi [1966] 1983). Emotions are transmitted through music (Meyer 1956). The literature Tove Jansson wrote about “The Invisible Child” (1962/1963), expressing in this children’sstory her strong message of the meanings of emotions for us. The story tells about a girl called Ninni, being visible because she feels she cannot be heard orseen by the others, and she comes visible again when her emotions are being recognized and she is being seen again (cf. Issakainen 28.3.2019). In this roundtable, the story is being used as a guideline and a ground when observing the Arts in learning, with arts experiences to support the discussion. Theteacher students in higher education will provide us with examples presented from Finland and Switzerland. The development of a new project, to observe thepedagogy of relatedness, supported by musical input in pedagogical solutions will be set as a target.
Nom de la manifestation
EAPRIL conference
Date(s) de la manifestation
27-29 November 2019
Ville de la manifestation
Pays de la manifestation
Portée de la manifestation