The electronic Construction and Quality Control in Standardized Testing platform project (e-C&QCST)

Auteur, co-auteurs
Editeur(s) scientifique(s)
Demetriou, ADochy, E
Type de référence
2005Langue de la référence
AnglaisEntité(s) de recherche
Centre de soutien logistique et de recherche "Système méthodologique d'aide à la réalisation de tests" (SMART) de l'Université de Liège
The docimology research showed that the standardized testing is an efficient evaluation form of the learners’ competencies provided to meet qualities of validity, reliability, sensitivity, diagnosticity, equity, practicability, communicability and authenticity. When standardized tests meet these qualities, they are appreciated by trainers, learners and by heads of training institutions. Currently, the construction and the quality management of standardized qualifying evaluations is a worry for the higher/university education in many European countries which have to face a still growing number of students. The training professionals and the human resources managers of companies are often constrained to evaluate staff competencies acquired outside the schools. Moreover, these concerns, regarding the quality of the tests, are also in relation with a worldwide movement of the introduction of quality management in education and training activities. Our research aims at facilitating the creation of standardized tests to make them more reliable, more efficient and quicker to set up, in order to satisfy at best the actual requirements of the education/training/human resources world. Our objective is to create an electronic platform of construction and quality control in standardized testing entitled "e-C&QCST (electronic Construction & Quality Control in Standardized Testing) build in an “Open Source" policy for a web based utilisation.Titre de l’ouvrage principal
Proceedings of European Association For Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI)Maison d’édition
University of CyprusVille d’édition
NicosiaPays d'édition
CyprusEvaluation par les pairs (peer reviewing)
ouiPortée nationale / internationale
429Nom de la manifestation
11th Biennial Conference of EARLI: Book of AbstractsDate(s) de la manifestation
August 22-27, 2005Ville de la manifestation
NicosiaPays de la manifestation
CyprusURL permanente ORFEE publication existe uniquement sous forme électronique
ouiDocument(s) associé(s) à la référence
Texte intégral :
Texte complet de la communication (16 pages).
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