Creativity considered from a socio-cultural perspective as a relational and culturally mediated action and collaboration are important human qualities in the era of digitalization and changing environments (OEDC, Education 2030). Our ongoing research aims to better understand how students mobilize and perceive their creativity by working on an interdisciplinary arts education project in a secondary school.
Adolescents’ music consumption is largely mediated by images (music videos). Considering their practice, we are going to get an in-depth understanding of the way students give meaning to some connections between music and visual arts. They will analyse existing examples and improvise music on paintings by using voice, instruments and smartphones as a music instrument. Students’ creativity should be enhanced through the didactic setting: the transcreation from visual elements to sound in a collaborative task.
The participants of this study are students from two classes of the second year of secondary education (13-14 years old) in Madrid (Spain), their music teacher and two researchers. From a mixed research approach, the instruments used are participant observation, audio recordings, individual and group interviews, class diary, and questionnaires. Data will be triangulated and coded through Activity Theory, statistical analysis, and the software Atlas.ti8.
During this presentation, the research methodoly and first results are discussed with the participants.
Nom de la manifestation
EAPRIL conference Learning in the age of industry 4.0
Date(s) de la manifestation
24-26 November 2021
Ville de la manifestation
Kufstein (en ligne)
Pays de la manifestation
Portée de la manifestation